This thought-provoking paperback book titled "MAN OF THE HOUR" by Amunnubi Ruakhtah is a must-have for anyone interested in mind, body, and spirit. It provides readers with a contemporary view of history and is written in English. The book was republished in 2022 by Golden Moor Publishing, a renowned publishing company that specializes in producing informative books. The book falls under the categories of Books and Magazines and is an excellent addition to any library. The author, Amunnubi Ruakhtah, is a well-known writer who has written several books on topics related to spirituality and contemporary issues. If you are looking for a thought-provoking book, "MAN OF THE HOUR" is the perfect choice for you. AMUNNUBI RUAKHTAH IS A SUPERIOR BEING WHO CAME TO BRING US MANY FORTELLINGS OF COMETS, UFOs, EARTHQUAKES, AND MANY MORE EVENTS THAT WILL OR HAVE COME TO PASS. TAKE A JOURNEY THRU SPACE AND TIME TO WITNESS SOME OF THE MASTER TEACHERS FORTELLINGS. SIMPLY AMAZING! 8.5 X 11 PAPERBACK BOOK.